Rose and Garrett Wedding 4.24.10

After weeks of wet and cold weather Rose and Garrett were blessed with the most perfect Spring day for their wedding. It was also the perfect day to kick off my wedding season! It was fun to stay local and meet some great folks in my own community. I'm happy to have documented this very special moment. Here are just a few of my favorites.
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Okay, I had a little too much fun with the roses!
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What a cake!
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A little Sampler! Nevada City Photo Co-op Mini Photo Shoot.

Our first photo event as the Nevada City Photography Cooperative was a great success yesterday! I met a bunch of really wonderful parents and their children. Here are just a few of my favorite shots from the day.

Table Mountain

It's always so much fun to explore what's in your own back yard. I love California. I love Northern California. I love being able to drive an hour in any direction and find meadows, mountains, water and lots and lots of sky! We took a mini road trip to Table Mountain yesterday in Oroville, Ca. Who knew their city had a table that touched the sky!?

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Peanut Butter Sandwich
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Last Rain?

I'm pretty sure that anyone who has ever developed their own film has likely taken photos in a graveyard. And I'm pretty sure most of those photos include some lovely young goth model with extra black eye makeup, eggplant lipstick and a rosary. (At the least.) Well, it's been a while since I've developed my own negatives, and a very long time since I've taken gothic graveyard photos. (Well okay, not THAT long) It's also been a very long time since I've processed any work that wasn't for clients. After being cooped up in the house after days and days of rain, I decided to take my camera out for a walk to one of the old cemeteries here in town. I'm not sure if this is so much a story about a graveyard as much as a story about MY walk through it.

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